Shipping policy

Indulge in the convenience of our exclusive complimentary delivery service, available on all orders. Elevate your shopping experience as we bring your selections right to your doorstep without any additional cost. Embrace the ease and pleasure of receiving your desired items hassle-free, courtesy of our free delivery on every purchase.

We are aiming to have your order dispatched from our facility within 48 hours. However, please bear with us in case we are spending extra time in checking / perfecting your items, particularly during the peak season around end of the year. This does not include weekends or holidays.

Purchases made after 6pm PT will not be shipped out until the next business day. If you order after 6pm PT on a friday, your order will likely be shipped out on the following monday. 

Please refer to the chart below for destinations/timescales:

United States 5 - 10 business days 
Canada 7 - 14 business days 
European Union 7 - 14 business days 
United Kingdom 7 - 14 business days 
Australia 10 - 14 business days 
Rest of World 14 - 21 business days

We use all major carriers and local courier partners:
Shipping policy


We offer you the ability to track your order right through our site. All you require is your order number and email.

You can also track your order by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Navigate to your order
  3. Click on the individual item's tracking number and you should be routed to it's corresponding tracking package.


If your order has been paid for but not yet shipped, we can cancel it immediately. Please note there is a 10% transaction fee for all cancellations. Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled.

Customs and import taxes:

Please be advised that buyers are accountable for any applicable customs and import taxes. Sellers, however, cannot be held responsible for any delays that may arise due to customs procedures. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to international trade regulations.